
Manager for an Efficient and Innovative Footwear Industry

The project, a Strategic Partnership granted under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is implemented by a consortium made up of 10 partner organizations from Turkey, Greece, Romania, Italy, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic and Portugal.

The action aims to create a framework resulting in better qualified professionals in the European and Turkish Footwear Industries, to provide the instruments for a reengineering of the footwear industry and to offer the existing and aspiring managers of the footwear industry the most up-to-date learning tools, according to the anticipations about required skills and training needs, knowledge and information identified into the labour market.

CIAPE is engaged in the definition of the EQF and Professional profile of the Manager of the Footwear Industry. This is realised via the collection of the existing National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs), in order to create the contents of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) of the New Manager for Efficient and Innovative Footwear SMEs. The EQF, a descriptor of qualifications based on learning outcomes (regardless of how or where these are achieved) and the ECVET scores are organised in learning outcomes, addressing knowledge, skills and competences.

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