We transform challenges and opportunities of the nowadays society into new approaches, tools and resources for a better capitalization of learning outputs.


We transform challenges and opportunities of the nowadays society into new approaches, tools and resources for a better capitalization of learning outputs.


To develop specific training materials for the emerging profile of the Professional of reference in long-term care facilities for the application of Comprehensive Person-Centred Care Model
To endow health professional with new managerial and soft skills necessary to cope with the nursing sector difficulties


To create the new professional profile of “Future Retail Manager”, endowed with the ability to bring innovation within SMEs, surviving to crisis due to globalisation and internationalisation, mass customisation, lifestyle changes and labour market flexibility

Inclusion, employability & entrepreneurship

To give students hands-on experiences of green entrepreneurship through practical experiential learning models and experience of real-world entrepreneurs

To leverage Work Based Learning to foster professional inclusion of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder

To combat early school leaving through the recognition and enhancement of the employability potential and talents of young people between 15 and 16 years

To promote changes in institutional culture and provisions to develop services which take account of a range of gender identities (from women to trans learners and male students)
To offer to trainers the know how to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking among students and to support invidual self-employment pathways


To promote the acquisition, from young employees of small and medium sized companies, of new digital and entrepreneurial skills for the online marketing management

To define the emerging eCommerce and Online-Marketing job profiles in line with the ICT sector-specific eCompetence Framework and the EQF and development of ECVET based training curricula for these jobs
To set up core profiles for new Green IT professions, identifying knowledge, skills and competences needs to support transparency and increase the availability of professionals at European level

Health and safety

To increase the awareness of occupational health and safety among the students of vocational schools, employees and employers in Construction and Metal sectors and to increase the implementation capacity at EU level
To minimize the number of accidents at work within the construction sector, thanks to more informed and skilled employees about health and safety regulations and risk prevention and management

Services and Public Administration

To enable the European municipalities to more efficiently cope with the local challenges related to sustainable development

To promote the acquisition of new non-routine skills via mobile game-based learning


To modernize VET textile systhem in Morocco

To incorporate the principles of 3D Garment Design into the curricula of VET systhem in Jordan and Palestine

To promote a sustainable footwear production that complies with the emerging demands of circular economy

To promote the reconversion of the furniture industry by applying circularity principles

To promote innovation and effective collaboration among the players of footwear and leather sector through a common language

To re-shape and update VET approaches in Textile and Clothing sectors through flipped classroom and scenario based learning

To re-shape and update curricula and VET programmes in Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear sectors within an EU-wide skills strategy
To qualify professionals in the European Footwear Industry, offering the most up-to-date learning tools according to the anticipations of the labour market
To reengineer the leather industry by offering to existing and aspiring managers of the sector innovative training tools about new technologies, innovative materials as well as the rising demand in emerging markets


To provide cultural heritage organizations and museums with the possibility to acquire competences and tools in the field of cultural entrepreneurship
To develop knowledge and skills for operators of the museum systems and administrators of small centers, in order to enhance the vast cultural heritage spread over their territory
To train the new generation of managers of small hotels and restaurants able to promote sustainability, responsibility and quality of the tourism offer

Continuous training of trainers

To train a new generation of trainers able to promote the attractiveness of professional training for youth employment