Boosting Social Media Impact for no-profit organisations.

Nowadays it is very important for each organisation to communicate through multiple channels, in order to promote the results achieved, the opportunities offered and the activities implemented. But it is crucial to use each channel appropriately and as part of a cohesive overall strategy.

This training is aimed at offering a very practical insight into Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Istagram, Tik Tok and Google Ads, understanding how to use them in the most appropriate way to create powerful campaigns with a strong, clear, recognizable voice and a presence that communicates consistent messages.

Target Audience

This training is addressed to education managers working in companies, non-profit organisations, primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools, training centres, adult education institutions, kindergartens and pre-primary schools and higher education institutions.

The course will include participants from different backgrounds.

Learning outcomes:

Through an hands-on approach and learning-by-doing methodology, participants will gain a outlook on best practices and concrete ways of using social media, and will develop concrete competences on how to best communicate on multiple social media platforms.

They will understand how to use each channel to get closer to their users, interact with them and build relationships and long-term loyalty. They will understand the various supporting roles that each channel can play in an integrated marketing strategy, and use the unique benefits of each marketing medium to their best advantage.

Thanks to this course the participants will:

  • Identify their target audience and understand their needs;
  • Develop audience insights;
  • Define their content strategy and execute it across multiple channels;
  • Create a powerful content calendar according to a strategic schedule;
  • Design successful content to suit their target audience and make an emotional impact;
  • Develop a strong tone of voice for their target audience;
  • Create attractive content for multiple social media platforms;
  • Use hashtags when creating content;
  • Evaluate the performance of their content and optimize results;
  • Exchange best practices and share experiences with participants and staff coming throughout Europe;
  • Make contacts with individuals and organizations working in the education field in Europe through everyday cooperation and networking activities.


Find Your Audience

International Social Media Landscape

Social Media Plan: what it is, why it is important and how to create it;

The 3 steps of the social media plan: analysis, goals and strategy;

How to define your target audience;

How to Create your “Persona”;


Find Your Brand Voice

Brand Voice: what it is and how to identify yours

Strategy: how to build your Editorial Plan

Neuromarketing: strategies to get your audience attention;

Tools & Tips


Find Your Content Strategy

Content strategy: how to define the right one for you

10 best practices for social media content

How to make an emotional impact through content

Tools & Tips


Find Your Story to Tell

Personalize your content for each social media channel (Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Linkedin, YouTube);

Engagement and “call to action” strategies for no-profit organizations

Brand storytelling: find your story to tell

Storytelling best practices


Project Work

More than just social: Google Ads, Newsletter and Whatsapp



In our view, learning- and especially adult learning – aims at behavioural changes through active involvement in order to acquire insights and competencies. Effective learning, in our perception, has to do with stimulating, inspiring and challenging people and organisations to obtain more appropriate knowledge, attitudes and skills to respond to today’s challenges. We are specialised in learning by facilitating learning processes.

Achieving behavioural change through learning

Learning will only be meaningful if knowledge and insights are successfully acquired and internalised.

At CIAPE, learning takes place in dynamic and active settings where a variety of working group activities, reflexion and constructive feedback are part of the learning context.

In this working environment individuals are able to develop the necessary skills and attitudes and be prepared to innovate and make learning meaningful.

For us, learning is more than only training but also as learning from peers, from coaching, from visits to other organisations, from new experiences in other areas, etc.

The learning methods in our training sessions

Methods focus on a highly participatory, interactive form of controlled and managed transfer of knowledge, one that is led by the notion of ‘learning by doing’.

At CIAPE we do our utmost best to make the training sessions as interesting, creative and pleasant as possible.

Adult learning is durable and will have a lasting impact when participants experience the training also as inspiring, challenging and in which they have fun also.

Therefore we use a mix of interactive learning methods such as focused discussions, case studies, individual reflection, group work, feedback, self assessments.

A key factor for any training session is to make the topic practical and directly applicable wherever possible.


Adults constitute a sizeable proportion of the workforce, and therefore must be accorded due attention. As learners, they have unique needs, abilities and aspirations and these must be understood before directing them to a productive and fruitful career pathway.

CIAPE uses multiple methods of instruction for adult learners in order to connect curricular concepts to useful knowledge and skills, and enhances students’ capacities to become self-directed, lifelong learners.

CIAPE delivers accredited courses designed to help adults complete their education and begin or change their career direction.

We guarantee

International trainers with excellent qualifications

The possibility to cooperate and learn in multinational and intercultural context

The opportunity to share experience with colleagues from all over the Europe  

A relaxing and intimate atmosphere

Enough free time to enjoy Rome’s tourist attractions

Certification and validation of learning outcomes

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded a certificate of attendance in, together – if requested – with the Europass Mobility Certificate.

Our certificates are in line with the Erasmus Quality Standards and so include a short description of the course and its learning outcomes, dates, venues, the name of the course provider and the course instructor(s).

We support the participants in every step of certification and validation of learning outcomes with specific focus on European instruments and Erasmus plus requirements such as staff mobility/learning agreement, quality commitment and Europass mobility certificate.

Organise your own edition. Contact us at

A pill of the September 2022 session:

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