Empowering Adults over 50 through the Camino de Santiago Educational Ecosystem.
CAXATO (CAMINO DE SANTIAGO: Camino de intercambio y de aprendizaje cultural europeo) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to revolutionize the educational landscape for adults over 50. By leveraging the cultural richness and historical significance of the Camino de Santiago, this innovative project, implemented by 6 organizations from France, Italy and Spain, places adult learners at the forefront of their educational journeys. The project’s overarching goal is to empower participants to acquire key skills, with a particular emphasis on social, digital, cultural, artistic, and sustainability-related competencies. In doing so, CAXATO aims to enhance the life projects of these individuals and pave the way for a more inclusive and fulfilling future.
At the heart of CAXATO lies the development of a comprehensive educational ecosystem centered around the Camino. This ecosystem provides a supportive framework that combines theoretical knowledge, practical experiences, and personal growth opportunities for the participants. By integrating various learning methodologies and technologies, CAXATO creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment that caters to the unique needs and interests of adults aged over 50.
Before embarking on their journey along the Camino de Santiago, participants of CAXATO undergo comprehensive preparation. They engage in seminars and training sessions that cover diverse topics, including heritage preservation, information, and communication technologies (ICT), art and culture, and mobile editing. These preparatory activities equip learners with essential knowledge and skills, ensuring that they can make the most of their Camino experience.
The Camino de Santiago serves as a vibrant backdrop for the participants’ educational journey. Divided into three stages, the Camino experience enables learners to immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the regions traversed. Along the way, they engage with the local heritage, leverage ICT tools for documentation and storytelling, and explore artistic expressions inspired by the Camino. These experiences culminate in the creation of tangible products that capture the essence of the participants’ transformative journey.
In the final phase of CAXATO, project partners collaborate to strengthen alliances and foster sustainability. They will design a joint training course that builds upon the project’s successes and can be implemented by partner associations in the future. The course serves as a testament to the project’s sustainability and long-term impact, ensuring that the knowledge and methodologies developed within CAXATO can continue to benefit older learners beyond the project’s duration.
CAXATO represents a groundbreaking approach to adult education, harnessing the transformative power of the Camino de Santiago to empower adults in their educational journeys. By placing learners at the center and promoting the acquisition of key skills, CAXATO enhances motivation and self-esteem. The project’s outcomes extend beyond individual growth, encompassing knowledge generation, capacity building, and the dissemination of successful practices. With its holistic and innovative approach, CAXATO serves as a catalyst for change, fostering inclusivity and opening new avenues of learning for adults across Europe and beyond.
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