Improving adult digital literacy through innovative gamified blended learning
Elder adults are particularly negatively affected by the rapidly developing digital world. The digital gap is growing and digital exclusion is a very real danger for a sizeable part of the population in Europe, as digital competencies are becoming more and more a necessity for everyday activities.
Traditional approaches have not reached this group fast and broad enough. Therefore, an innovative approach is necessary that orients on the needs and abilities of elder adults and concentrates on the motivational side of learning. Gamified learning has proven to be a highly motivational method even in adult education.
The project overcomes the obstructing attitudes of many elder adults towards digital skills and offers a proven way for swift and effective training of basic digital competencies within this age group: less training of specific applications and platforms and more fundamental skills like problem-solving and evaluating information found on the internet.
DigiBlend offers: 1. a detailed and objective knowledge of existing digital skills of elder adults; 2. a working model for the assessment of digital skills; 3. a working model for the use of game-based blended training of digital skills; 4. guidelines for the development and implementation of game-based assessment and training. Methods and tools are readily usable for teachers and trainers in adult education.
The project strives for a better digital inclusion of elder adults in the labour market and society, and it is managed in partnership with organisations from Germany, Latvia, Serbia, Ireland, Slovenia, Turkey and Spain.
For more info: matilde@ciape.it