Fostering green entrepreneurial mindsets in VET education

Over the last years, the European Commission has been promoting awareness-raising about environmental and climate change challenges. In particular the topic of circular economy is part of a broad and articulated international path towards a more sustainable world and has a key role in achieving some of the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.

In order to spread this important and complex concept among citizens, the whole system of

education and training plays a crucial role as most students still have a narrow perception of concepts like circular economy, green capital and green entrepreneurship, and VET schools still lack knowledge and skills to integrate these concepts into their subjects.

With GROWING GREEN we want to “bring education to life through practical experiential learning models and experience of real-world entrepreneurs” in order to give students hands-on experiences of green entrepreneurship and a clear understanding of what green entrepreneurship means.


Main results:

  • Growing Green Entrepreneur, a teachers Manual, a sustainable collection of materials, tools, activities and process roadmap for Growing Green experiential approach of teaching green entrepreneurship in cooperation with local business.
  • Growing Green Gamification, a practical game built up combining training methodologies with green principles.
  • Growing Green framework: a set of tools and instruments to evaluate, assess key results and integrate the Growing Green approach into the educational offer of VET schools.


The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU, and managed by CIAPE in cooperation with eight partners from Denmark (coordinator), Spain, Slovenia and Italy.


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