“My Gender Rights” project aims at ensuring a better inclusion of unaccompanied minors through the development of integrated training tools addressed to professionals, young volunteers and migrants themselves, according to a gender-orientated perspective.

Equality between men and women is a fundamental principle of the European Union. Europe 2020 strategy brings out gender equality as a lever of economic growth, employment, social cohesion and sustainable development.
At the same time, Europe has to deal with a serious migrant crisis, where special attention must be given to a particularly vulnerable and helpless population – unaccompanied minors. This has been pointed out by the Council of Europe and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), both asking for European programmes designed to support unaccompanied minors and ensure their better inclusion.

The project “My Gender Rights” has developed a toolkit made of five open educational and training tools about gender equality and inclusion of unaccompanied minors. The approach we suggest is particularly relevant for young migrants as they have grown up in countries with a different legislation and a different point of view regarding gender equality, compared to the European one.

The project is carried out in six countries, each very concerned by the migrant crisis: Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and United Kingdom. The transnational approach enriches the efficiency of the project contrasting the different maturity of each national context in addressing gender equality and the welcoming of unaccompanied minors.

Through “My Gender rights” the partnership aims to achieve important objectives:
sensitise and educate unaccompanied minors as well as professionals and young volunteers caring for them.
– provide youth workers and young volunteers caring for unaccompanied minors with the skills necessary to work with them in a gender-egalitarian way.
educate unaccompanied minors in a gender egalitarian perspective with regards to their rights and their future social and working life.
– provide care centres and organisations caring for unaccompanied minors with appropriate educational and training tools.

These objectives have been pursued through the development of five training and educational tools:
E-Learning course treating gender equality issues addressed to youth organisations and centres caring for unaccompanied minors
Educational Cartoon on gender equality
Video Testimonials from former unaccompanied minors
Playing Workshop on gender equality for unaccompanied minors created with the contribution of their peers
Guide on gender equality for the newcomers created with the contribution of their peers.

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