
Promoting Management and Entrepreneurial Thinking among the career counselors and guidance practitioners in the EU societies

Career counsellors and guidance practitioners able to ease the transition from education to labour market by providing services in line with the current professional requirement trends.

This project aims to provide career counsellors and guidance practitioners with updated information, resources, professional network, training curricula and tools to make the services they offer adequate and relevant to the trends of development of career services in Europe.

Among the main challenges emphasized by Europe are the equipment of people with relevant skills that ensure their employability, in response to rapid technological progress and change of professional requirements. Furthermore, most of the partner countries’ indicators for employability of young adults and of participation by adults in lifelong learning activities are far below compared to Europe benchmarks. Another pronounced need of the young adults is to improve transitions from education and training to the labour market and also through the different stages of their professional and career development.
Professional guidance and counselling need to be restructured according to the changing needs of the labour market.

CIAPE is involved in this project together with other 5 EU Partners from Bulgaria, Austria, Greece and UK, to pursue some relevant objectives:
– Developing an innovative online platform with open educational resources that will be One Stop Virtual Space for Career Counselling and Guidance Services.
– Developing 100+ Enlightenment Best Practices e-Book including information about the best practices, description of the practice, links to its authors/owners, useful information about the target group and the approach used.
– Promoting a Peer Network, e.g. a virtual place where professionals from the career counselling and guidance sphere will be able to promote themselves and the services they offer, to communicate and cooperate with each other.
– Producing 10 Empower Talk Movies about the most empowering and inspiring stories of young adults who have taken successful career choices using the career services offered.

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership

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